Start Investing
Review the information below for guidance on how to invest with Grayscale.
Most of Grayscale’s crypto products can be accessed by investors in both private placement and public quotation form. An investor may choose to invest in a product in both forms, or just one, depending on their personal circumstances. The major differences between the two are listed in the table below:
Private Placement | Public Quotation | |
Investor Type |
Accredited investors only |
All investors |
Investment Method |
Create an account in our investment portal, Slate. You can also reach out to our reps at [email protected] or 866-775-0313. |
Search for the public quotation/ticker in your brokerage account. |
Investment Level | Minimum of $25,000 or $50,000 depending on product | No minimum |
Purchase Price | Net Asset Value (NAV) | Market price of product* |
Sale Price | Market price of product* | Market price of product* |
Cash or In-Kind | Cash, and In-Kind for select products | Cash only |
Holding Period Restrictions | 6-12 months depending on product | No restrictions |
Tax Advantage | Can be purchased in tax-advantaged retirement accounts | Can be purchased in tax-advantaged retirement accounts |
To see a full list of open private placements, check out this page.
*To date, certain Products have not met their investment objectives and the Shares of such Products quoted on OTC Markets have not reflected the value of digital assets held by such Products, less such Products’ expenses and other liabilities, but instead have traded at both premiums and discounts to such value, which at times have been substantial.
Understanding Grayscale's Product Lifecycle
Grayscale Products first launch as private placements, allowing accredited investors to gain crypto exposure through a familiar investment vehicle structure.
Shares purchased in the private placements are initially restricted for one year.
FAQProducts at this stage
Grayscale pioneered obtaining public quotations for unrestricted shares of our private placements. This provides liquidity to existing private placement investors by allowing them to continue to hold their shares in their brokerage account or sell them through their broker in the public market.
This also allows all investors —accredited or not — to access Grayscale products through certain brokerage or retirement accounts, regardless of investment size or holding period.
Due to the lack of an ongoing redemption program, publicly traded shares may trade premiums or discounts to the value of their underlying assets.
FAQGrayscale Products are the first SEC-reporting companies in the industry. The requirements of being SEC-reporting exceed the standard of reporting already met by these Products as OTC Markets public quotations, including heightened levels of disclosure to offer even greater transparency for investors, and subjects the Products to additional regulatory oversight.
This also reduces the initial one year holding period of the private placement to six months.
FAQGrayscale believes its SEC-reporting Products present a strong case for uplisting when permitted by the U.S. regulatory environment.
In connection with ETF uplisting, products would have ongoing creation and redemptions, and the arbitrage mechanism inherent to ETFs would help the product more closely track the value of its underlying Bitcoin holdings, after deduction of expenses.
*We use the generic term “ETF” to refer to exchange-traded investment vehicles, including those that are required to register under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “‘40 Act”), as well as other exchange-traded products, or “ETPs”, which are not subject to the registration requirements of the ‘40 Act.